Core drill & Seamer > OTHER

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Core drill & Seamer
Detachable Type
It is used in automatic drilling machines.
It is possible to separate and assemble the core drill and seamer and replace the one that is worn out.

The shank material can be supplied in steel or stainless steel.
When assembled, glass drilling and chamfering can be performed at the same time.
When separated only glass drilling can be performed.
Coolant is required on the work area.

Work can be smooth by exposing the diamond particles by using Kum Sung's Dressing Stone.

Continuous drilling deteriorates the diamond particles due to debris, so dressing is recommended at regular intervals.

대표 이메일 :인천시 남동구 남동동로 138번길 103 (고잔동 98블럭 7롯트)
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