Light Rail System > MACHINERY

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Light Rail System
Light Rail System
1. Semi-permanent system

2. User friendly system

3. Safety guaranty system

4. Fast setup fast dismantlement
to move

5. Any kind of design could be possible
1. To move heavy & large glass
by minimum labor

2. Stable movement with heavy glass
in factory
1. Factory height has to be at least 4m
from bottom to upper

2. When factory ceiling is too high
or has not beam properly,
We will add supporting beams

3. Quotation will be vary according to
customers requests
제품 사용방법 동영상

대표 이메일 :인천시 남동구 남동동로 138번길 103 (고잔동 98블럭 7롯트)
대표 연락처 : +82 32 812 9933Copyright ©2011 KStar Co.,Ltd. All rights reserved.